life is like .............bowling.......
we got to stay focussed in order to hit all the pins....
Last night, i was having 3 games of bowling w Aa.
Being an amateur, Aa who is quite an expert taught me some basics like where i should stand and approach the lane, how i should keep the momentum while walking towards the lane to throw the ball, which arrow i shld aim the ball at, how i should bent at my knees and not at my hips in lowering the ball ......
So much to learn. I am not much of a multitasker hence whenever he tell me sth new, i will do worse coz i concentrate so much on the one thing and forget the rest...but i am proud to say tt at the end of 3games, i finish w a final score of 62 at the third game...v good for me le lor! I realised that practice does make perfect but only with appropriate techniques i.e practice in the right way. My posture was much better and i felt more confident. I had played bowling with lisa, alec and tris before...but i never learnt it the right way hence i only strike or spare occasionally based on pure luck. =p...
bowling is fun !! I wanna do it again soon! heee...
weekend in MALACCA
just got back from a weekend at malacca. first time at malacca so it was an eye opener for me. In every sense, the eye opening was in terms of food ! Its too bad i cant seem to upload the pics at this time. below is the list of good food!
In jonker st 1) durian ba bao ice kachang - jonker st 2) durian chendol - jonker st >> speciality is the gula malaka and thickness of the coconut sauce ! yummy.....3) suan pan zi4) fried carrot cake > yummier than spore!After jonker st, we proceeded to have food again ! stalls that were existing since 15yrs agooo ...
wanton mee : very very well done. the noodles are just nicely cooked , the soup was fantastic. basically its the best wanton mee i had ever eaten.
oyster omelette : alot for just rm 5. i love it alot too ....very generous amts of eggs and oysters...and chilli sauce
At portugese square1) salt pepper baked crabs ! 2 meaty crabs for just rm 38!2) battered fried cuttlefish ! very lightly battered , good oil used ! 3) baked fish..super fresh and meaty 4) fried sambal kangkong all these plus a large bottle of beer , watermelon juice and rice ...all for just RM 98! super cheap!no kidding man, i think i put on a few kilos this week ....furthermore still got buy all the yummy bei tei soh , sesame sweets and muruku back home.....!!! the muruku is super nice ! best i have ever eaten too ...never ate muruku in spore. Aaron introduced it to me and since then i think i can tell which are good and not good. for those who r clueness ..muruku is a fried snack, tt looks like stick and yellowish in color.
would post pictures of the food when i can !! =)