Yashitori babe...verbal diarrhea in Australia (melbourne & perth)
Thursday, February 03, 2005
this blog contains thoughts i have since coming to Australia..Ups and downs..ultimately, the purpose of this blog is to remind myself how much i have changed for the better and matured as a person worthy to be called God's creation.
My friends' blogs
- Klessis
- Isaiah
- Baby Joey
- N252
- Alice
- Bel
- Ivan
- Sabrina
- Sharine
- Hao
- Xiaoxuan
- Gary
- Yvonne
- Qingyuan
- Sherene
- Shaun
- Kenneth
- City Harvest Church
- Sun's official website
- Guitar4Christ
Previous Posts
- random thots
- bowling
- weekend in MALACCA
- sat breakfast at farrells vic park
- 2am w the urge to blog hahah
- royal perth hospital
- finding hope and joy in frustration
- no reservations
- red bull gives you wings
- Secret - jay chou starring Mr dude