Friday, July 13, 2007

a new post GARY ! hahaha

Hi gary ! hahahaa finally a new post. Recently my face has been giving me lots of problems. My eczema flareups are coming back and I am not sure of the cause: peanuts or traces of nuts in chocolates, winter cold, too much potato chips, too much calamari rings, prawns , sotong, heaty food, lack of sleep, stress etcetc. I have been making changes to the things I eat so my skin can get better, but somehow, it still comes back. This is infuriating considering the fact that I have given up some of my fav foods like chocolates for the sake of my skin. Just this morning, I couldn’t wake up due to the drowsiness caused by the medications I took before sleeping. 2 causes drowsiness. Hence I missed my 9am ‘advanced excel’ class. But despite everything, God is still good. I went online to the seminar bookings page and there was suddenly an available place for the same class next week! I quickly made a booking and voila! The class was once again full. Its as though the space was meant for me! God is goooooddd….heehe
I hadn’t mention my statistics exam results to anyone in Singapore yet! Overall, my statistics module fetched me a HD 91% ! hehehehee it is a miracle! My statistics sucks sucks sucks sucks….but God is goooodd again! Hehehee…I am 50% on the way to first class honours. Hahaha…but my research is giving me a headache. My proposal despite many improvements hasn’t been approved yet. Please pray for me! I need it approved then other things like data collection can proceed….Pray pray pray…


At 3:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh!??! how come i get addressed in your blog??! =)


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