Thursday, June 14, 2007

THANKS sherri

Thank you xiaowei aka sherri for your encouraging emails almost daily! I did not know you read my blog lor. I tot not many people know I change blog. Anyway …tonight one of your emails really was timely.
God is very good. He seems to speak to me through many different ways. Its like I can open up a pg of the bible or an email or read someone’s blog entry and it speaks to my current situation. I feel like God knows the condition of my heart and mind even when I never tell it to other people. Theres a lot of things I dun say out to even the closest people to me. Last time I will just blah everything out. Now I dunno why, I just feel blahing it all out to people will not help me at all. Sometimes, it may even make things worse. Now I just blah it all out to God. But god is amazing. Even when I haven’t even started blahing it to him, he already show me things that will help me.
Tonight I am reminded to trust wholly on God.
In the email, it says that God does not promise to keep us from being hurt in our r/s but he does promise to keep us from being destroyed. The more you trust God, the more effective you will be in your r/s with others.
I remember some time ago, I was having problems with this close gf of mine here. I think it was a one sided thing coz apparently I am the one thinking there is a problem. Haha..anyway, innerly, I was feeling very frustrated. More hurt and disappointed and frustrated than I appear to really be. I thank God for helping me through the situation. I thank God for reminding me of his unjudging love for me and how I shall do the same on others. I thank God for tolerance and patience and being able to wait on his timing. Now me and this gf are back to normal even w/o doing much. And I feel very happy and grateful becoz this friend means a lot to me.
“ love does not begin until you expect nothing in return” how not to expect nothing in return? When my trust is wholly on the lord, I can love like that. Tonight I prayed the prayer included in the mail and now I can only try to work towards loving without expecting anything in return. Its very easy to say ‘ I expect nothing’ for me I dun expect anything material when I love someone. But I realise I do expect certain things like a comforting hug when I am down etc. But yet again, that is not too much to ask for. But yet again, when it is not the person’s timing to hug me maybe coz he/she is tired or stress or doing work etc , or when the person do not know how I am feeling etc, then the person will prob not do what I would expect no matter how minimally I expect. I want to be a person who put my trust wholly on God. After praying, keeping silent, listening to hillsongs ‘ faithful’ ‘ I trust in you’ ….i feel all my burdens for today lifted up. The monthly period and cramps or stress from work and from my research will have no greater power over my mood than God has. AMEN !


At 9:39 am, Blogger olenju said...

Wow... so good so good. Do you know I also feel very much like you many times? Esp what you wrote in the last para.. :)And it's always so difficult because many times, my emotions overwhelm me... Really thank God for His grace and love and I so understand the feeling you talked about when you can rely totally on God's love which is perfect. The joy is indescribable.
And you are really right about Xiaowei! I really love the devotions n encouraging emails she sends!! Arigato Xiaowei!

At 3:38 pm, Blogger Fleur De La Lune said...

woooooowwwwwwww....... Estee and Xiangcen........ if you can see me now....... i am flying... i am flying...........

Both of you are such wonderful sisters......

Estee...... when will you finish your studies in Melbourne?

At 7:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen! i also agree about this beautiful sister - Xiaowei!
keep the faith, Estee. Thanks for that phone call. You dunno how much that meant, for you to call from Oz just to congratulate me.
We had a good time catching up, and you know that God is in your court, so no worries! Looking forward to X


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