Tuesday, April 17, 2007


life is unpredictable.
you never know what will happen ..
people always say, you never know what will happen tomorrow
i would like to change it to ...
you never know what will happen by the second..
life can change in seconds
i can change a life in seconds
sounds powerful yea
but not in such a good way today
maybe its not me changing lives today
but somehow i cant seem to stop blaming myself

I have indirectly caused someone to suffer today ...
and that person means alot to me
i feel like murderizing myself
sometimes our intentions can be good
but the outcome is disaster

now when i look at person X,
i feel so much hurt.
the empty look
the confused look
the unbelief look
the undescribable look
the sad look
the disappointed look
the self comforting look

i didnt know what to say
for once a person like me have nothing to say
for once a person who knows what to say at the right time do not know what to say
i cant say anything but i can do something.
Lord guide me.

nothing to fill the vacuum
nothing to make X laugh
nothing to make X feel better
nothing to express how i want to give X a big hug and say its ok , im sorry, be strong.
nothing to make X smile
even a faint smile , i would be comforted.

the only time there was abit more talk was during cleaning...cleaning the C_____ . regretted spilling..but also thankful for it at the same time.

i feel alot for X
X has been a v good friend to me
God sent angel

i pray that you will take away all the pain X is experiencing
even your weakness is stronger than our strengths
i pray for courage and strength for X to go through the rest of today and the week
your grace is sufficient to get us through any situation
I pray that as X does assignments, help X be focussed and do so well in them.
God i pray that you would send the right people into X's life now and speak the things you want X to hear from you.
Lord i pray that you will show X the plans you have for X's life this year. Show X your plans in terms of studies, career, relationships.
Lord i pray for X's mother. I pray that she will not get too worried about X as X shares problems with her. I pray for good health upon both of them.
i pray that Lord you will help X think positive thoughts. In jesus name, negative thoughts never seep into X mind even in the darkness of the night, even during lectures, even during the way back home, even in the midst of music..
Lord help X made a firm decision and stick to it. Lord let the decision come from you and not from X. Help X always consider you in all the decisions made or to be made. Let X not be wavered by the thoughts the devil puts in X mind. Help X discern what thoughts are from the devil and which are from you Lord.
Even when X appear strong, Lord only you know and can see how X is struggling inside. Only you Lord can see How X is weak inside like every other human creation and that the more X try to be strong, the weaker X can get.
Lord, in your word, the Holy and righteous man will be rewarded. We claim this in jesus name.
Lord i lift up X in your precious and holy name.


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