Tuesday, June 21, 2005

are our inner man lost?

Im sure many of us occasionally feel like we have to LOOK like we are strong, happy and confident on the exterior to make up for what we are not on the inside or to please the people around us. And realistically speaking, looking a certain way does win us some relationships or friendships. But if our inner man is destroyed and lost, so what if we gained the whole world...

1 corinthians 9: 22 >> to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

God deals with our weaknesses by putting us in uncomfortable or frustrating situations. So that we may become overcomers of these weaknesses. Don't despise our weaknesses ! USe them! Learn about them and learn how to deal with them with the word of God.Dont be afraid to share weaknesses with others. use our overcoming experience to reach out to the lost. To reach out to the weak. isnt that our main purpose? dont be afraid to share our weaknesses with others because its not for ourselves ( i want people to like me, i want people to praise me for my good works, i want to be a leader... I I I I I ) . Its not about ourselves! I often question myself, is my life about myself or about God?

>> to everyone who reads this, God is really a good God. Some may ask, is He? then why did He allow me to have a big butt (just an example hor :P) ? Why did He put me in this situation ? Why did He not give me the man/woman i desire?
because the man/woman is not meant for us. Because he wants us to learn that true beauty lies in the inner man. Because this situation is good for you. it is part of God's plan for your life. Plans not to harm you but to exhalt you and bring u to the destiny He has prepared for u.

One example of how inner beauty is indeed the truest beauty is from me and tristan
hahaha..i admit i can be a monster at times and a true angel at other times. Tristan have seen it all hahah. and i realised that even thou i can put on alot of make up and look fantastic but to Him i am still not as beautiful as when im really nice to him. How do i noe tt he thinks im more beautiful when im beautiful in the heart? From his expression. From his eyes.
Another example is SIS Yvonne .
She is a true beauty !!!the more i got to know her, the more beautiful she got. Her sincere Love for me and for the people around her just shines forth ! i cant explain it. I really cant. Get to know her and u'll know what im talking about ! Shes my role model in the love arena. She loves her neighbour not as herself but more than herself.


At 1:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jus read thru all ur entries, and i think its great! the way u r writing everything down like a spiritual journal. on days when u r down, or frustrated, or sad, or disappointed, or angry, look thru all these happy times and at the revelations God has given u in the past and i am sure it'll help u get over the valleys much easier!


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